So you've completed your training-cycle/event/workout what’s next?
- ASAP: If you feel like you may have injured yourself or there is a spot that typically bothers you (example: Bum knee or chronic tendonitis), get ice on it.
- ASAP: Hydrate, especially if you are in warm conditions or completed a long endurance activity.
- <1 hour: Eat something to help replenish glycogen stores and prevent muscle catabolism. Preferably something with carbs and complete (animal) proteins. I've heard the magic ratio is 4:1 carbs to proteins. Chocolate milk fits those criteria well, so do some sports drinks like Accelerade that mix sugars and protein. Most importantly, just eat. Eating anything is still better than nothing.
- 0-24 hours: Stretch and massage. This is dependent on personal preference, but I find doing light stretching and self massage with a foam roller to be useful.
- That day: Sleep.
- In the days after: Active recovery and cross-training. This can be as simple a walk and stretching. The purpose is to get blood flowing to your muscles and connective tissue.